Graduate Archer Fellowship Program Academics
The Archer Center's Graduate Archer Fellowship is a unique academic experience, which includes the classes below. All Graduate Archer Fellows enroll in the same nine hours.
Graduate Program Policy Working Groups
Graduate Archer Fellows participate in a specialized working group in one of four topic areas: Education Policy, General Domestic Policy, Health Policy, and National Security and Global Affairs Policy. These working groups enable Fellows to connect with policy leaders in their field through policy round tables and tailored policy research projects. In addition, these working groups foster research and policy collaboration between Fellows. Each policy working group is supervised by a lecturer.
Education Policy - Supervised by Allison Dembeck
General Domestic Policy - Supervised by Sandra LaMura
Health Policy - Supervised by Waverly Gordon
National Security and Global Affairs Policy - Supervised by Yvette Badu-Nimako
Graduate Program Policy Working Groups
Graduate Archer Fellows participate in a specialized working group in one of four topic areas: Education Policy, General Domestic Policy, Health Policy, and National Security and Global Affairs Policy. These working groups enable Fellows to connect with policy leaders in their field through policy round tables and tailored policy research projects. In addition, these working groups foster research and policy collaboration between Fellows. Each policy working group is supervised by a lecturer.
Education Policy - Supervised by Allison Dembeck
General Domestic Policy - Supervised by Sandra LaMura
Health Policy - Supervised by Waverly Gordon
National Security and Global Affairs Policy - Supervised by Yvette Badu-Nimako
Inside Washington: Policymaking from the Ground Up - 3 credit hours
Professor Bill Shute
This course provides Graduate Archer Fellows with an overview of the federal policymaking process and the various public/private stakeholders and institutions that participate in this process. Specifically, the course focuses on three key elements of federal policymaking: separation of powers and original constitutional intent, influencing federal policy, and creating effective advocacy strategies. Students will examine a sampling of the extensive literature on political theory/philosophy, political institutions, political behavior, public policy, and public administration. Students will also meet regularly with practitioners, such as officials from Congress, the White House, executive branch agencies, think tanks, organized interest groups, media/communications, and lobbying firms.
Professor Bill Shute
This course provides Graduate Archer Fellows with an overview of the federal policymaking process and the various public/private stakeholders and institutions that participate in this process. Specifically, the course focuses on three key elements of federal policymaking: separation of powers and original constitutional intent, influencing federal policy, and creating effective advocacy strategies. Students will examine a sampling of the extensive literature on political theory/philosophy, political institutions, political behavior, public policy, and public administration. Students will also meet regularly with practitioners, such as officials from Congress, the White House, executive branch agencies, think tanks, organized interest groups, media/communications, and lobbying firms.
Archer Center Washington Internship - 3 credit hours
Professor Sue Ramanathan
This course consists of an internship in a governmental or non-governmental organization in Washington, D.C. The student is expected to work full-time (40 hours a week) at the internship, which may be paid or unpaid. Students are responsible for seeking and selecting their internships. The Archer Center does not guarantee any internship placements, but Archer Center faculty and staff will provide students with information about internship opportunities and advice about placements. The Archer Center faculty meet regularly with students to debrief and to integrate this practical training with other lessons in professional development.
Professor Sue Ramanathan
This course consists of an internship in a governmental or non-governmental organization in Washington, D.C. The student is expected to work full-time (40 hours a week) at the internship, which may be paid or unpaid. Students are responsible for seeking and selecting their internships. The Archer Center does not guarantee any internship placements, but Archer Center faculty and staff will provide students with information about internship opportunities and advice about placements. The Archer Center faculty meet regularly with students to debrief and to integrate this practical training with other lessons in professional development.
Archer Center Independent Study and Research - 3 credit hours
Dr. Michelle Chin-Miller with Yvette Badu-Nimako, Allison Dembeck, Waverly Gordon, Sandra LaMura
Dr. Michelle Chin-Miller with Yvette Badu-Nimako, Allison Dembeck, Waverly Gordon, Sandra LaMura
This course is tailored to each student’s graduate program of study. An Archer Center faculty member will work independently with each student to develop a research project that is designed to advance the student’s academic and research goals. The project will align with the requirements of the student’s graduate degree. Individually, Fellows will identify a policy problem, develop and describe strategies for assessing, resolving, or addressing the policy problem, and determine linkages between specific academic/research interests, knowledge resources in the D.C. area, and their internship experiences. Collectively, as part of a policy working group, Fellows will read additional material specific to their policy area as a group and congregate to discuss and review each other’s work, with the objective of enabling cross-pollination, recognizing inter- and intra-disciplinary linkages and divergences, and providing a forum for networking.
Watch Summer 2018 Archer Fellow Jacque DeAnda speak about taking her policy proposal to Capitol Hill.
Watch Summer 2018 Archer Fellow Jacque DeAnda speak about taking her policy proposal to Capitol Hill.