Celebrate 15 Years of the Archer Center
2016 marks the 15th anniversary of the Archer Center and Congressman Bill Archer's legacy of inspiring young Texans to pursue lives of public service. To honor this milestone, the Center is hosting a series of events in Washington, D.C., and Texas beginning in April. These events will celebrate the past 15 years of leaders shaped at the Archer Center and raise funds to support the next 15 years of Archer Fellows. Below is a list of currently scheduled events and sponsorship opportunities.
To sponsor the Center's 15th Anniversary Celebration, please visit our online giving portal and select "15th Anniversary Celebration" from the drop-down menu under "Donation Information." Contact Archer Center Director Katie Romano with questions.
Thank you to our 15th Anniversary sponsors to date!
15th Anniversary Celebration Events
April 9, 2016:
Washington, D.C., Kickoff Reception
April 20, 2016:
Austin, Kickoff Reception
May 19, 2016:
What Starts Here:
Lunch with President Gregory Fenves in the UT Austin Tower
May 23, 2016:
Poetic Justice: Breakfast with Congressman Ted Poe
June 1, 2016:
Inside the Speaker’s Apartment:
Visit the House Chamber and Speaker’s Apartment with Speaker Joe Straus
July 11, 2016:
Behind the Chairman’s Gavel:
Discussion with Ways & Means Chairman Kevin Brady and former Chairman Bill Archer
September 8, 2016:
An Evening with the Chancellor:
Dinner and tour of Bauer House with William H. McRaven
October 30, 2016:
Six Feet Under:
Walk through Lone Star history at the Texas State Cemetery
November 2016:
Remember the Alamo:
Tour of the Alamo and the original footprint of the Mission San Antonio de Valero
December 3, 2016:
In the Crossfire: Behind-the-scenes tour of the Newseum with Paul Begala