Archer Fellowship Program Alumni Profiles
"Through the Archer Fellowship Program, I learned that only through understanding and vulnerability can we shrink the growing divide in our country and refocus on our shared humanity."
Q & A with Mariam
Please tell us more about your current position.
I am a first-year law student at Texas A&M University School of Law. I am interested in criminal law and hope to enter criminal defense work upon graduation and bar passage. I plan to use my degree to provide legal services and advocate for those in my community as they navigate some of the most challenging moments of their lives.
Please tell us more about your Archer Fellowship Program internship.
My internship as a legislative assistant with The Sheridan Group (TSG) was a rewarding experience. In this position, I was responsible for a variety of tasks, such as writing research summaries on policy issues, developing event materials for clients, performing opposition research on a bill, monitoring legislation moving through Congress, observing hearings, performing research on Medicaid and COVID-19 relief issues, watching briefings and floor debates, drafting summary documents, and developing and presenting a semester-long advocacy campaign project for TSG staff. I significantly benefited from having a wonderful Archer Fellow co-intern at TSG as well. During the semester, I learned much about lobbying in Washington, D.C., and made valuable connections with other staff members. I am very thankful for the knowledge and experience I gained during my Archer Fellowship internship.
What has been your general career path?
Upon graduating from The University of Texas at Dallas, I became a paralegal in the Austin office of Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C. I remained in this position for several years to gain legal experience and prepare both practically and financially for the commitment of law school. I began my formal legal education this August and am very excited to see where this next step in my educational journey will lead.
How has your experience as an Archer Fellow influenced your career path and goals?
Before beginning my Archer Fellowship semester, I thought I wanted to be an attorney. However, my time in Washington, D.C., helped me solidify that desire. Much of what I took from the Archer Fellowship was the importance of advocacy and a commitment to effecting positive change in the world. Following my semester in Washington, D.C., I was positive I wanted to pursue a legal education to become a more effective advocate and change agent for those within my community.
What did you value the most about your Archer Fellowship Program experience?
I was lucky enough to become friends with most of my cohort. Living and learning with such brilliant and passionate individuals was incredibly motivational and pushed me to grow in many ways. But when I reflect on my time in Washington, D.C., the most valuable lesson they taught me was the value of intentional listening with the goal of understanding. Through difficult dialogues, I was able to practice listening to individuals on the opposite end of the political spectrum from myself and genuinely aim to have constructive conversations about their unique life experiences and the rationales behind their varied political beliefs. Through the Archer Fellowship Program, I learned that only through understanding and vulnerability can we shrink the growing divide in our country and refocus on our shared humanity.
What do you value the most about being an alumna?
As an alum, I value the program's connections most. Since my time as an Archer Fellow, I have maintained close relationships with members of my cohort and have continued to meet and connect with new Archer Fellow alums. The alums I have had the privilege of interacting with have been exceptional and kind people who are remarkable networking connections, peers, and friends!
What is your favorite memory as an Archer Fellow?
I have so many treasured memories from my time as an Archer Fellow that it is difficult to pick just one. However, one memory I truly value was the opportunity to mourn Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg at the foot of the Supreme Court's steps on the night of her passing. Watching thousands of people converge on the capitol and pay their collective respects to a personal hero was a profoundly sobering and beautiful moment. Regardless of your political background, there were so many moments during the Fellowship that allowed me to feel genuinely connected to the political consciousness of our nation that I would never have had the opportunity to experience had I not become an Archer Fellow.
Please tell us more about your current position.
I am a first-year law student at Texas A&M University School of Law. I am interested in criminal law and hope to enter criminal defense work upon graduation and bar passage. I plan to use my degree to provide legal services and advocate for those in my community as they navigate some of the most challenging moments of their lives.
Please tell us more about your Archer Fellowship Program internship.
My internship as a legislative assistant with The Sheridan Group (TSG) was a rewarding experience. In this position, I was responsible for a variety of tasks, such as writing research summaries on policy issues, developing event materials for clients, performing opposition research on a bill, monitoring legislation moving through Congress, observing hearings, performing research on Medicaid and COVID-19 relief issues, watching briefings and floor debates, drafting summary documents, and developing and presenting a semester-long advocacy campaign project for TSG staff. I significantly benefited from having a wonderful Archer Fellow co-intern at TSG as well. During the semester, I learned much about lobbying in Washington, D.C., and made valuable connections with other staff members. I am very thankful for the knowledge and experience I gained during my Archer Fellowship internship.
What has been your general career path?
Upon graduating from The University of Texas at Dallas, I became a paralegal in the Austin office of Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C. I remained in this position for several years to gain legal experience and prepare both practically and financially for the commitment of law school. I began my formal legal education this August and am very excited to see where this next step in my educational journey will lead.
How has your experience as an Archer Fellow influenced your career path and goals?
Before beginning my Archer Fellowship semester, I thought I wanted to be an attorney. However, my time in Washington, D.C., helped me solidify that desire. Much of what I took from the Archer Fellowship was the importance of advocacy and a commitment to effecting positive change in the world. Following my semester in Washington, D.C., I was positive I wanted to pursue a legal education to become a more effective advocate and change agent for those within my community.
What did you value the most about your Archer Fellowship Program experience?
I was lucky enough to become friends with most of my cohort. Living and learning with such brilliant and passionate individuals was incredibly motivational and pushed me to grow in many ways. But when I reflect on my time in Washington, D.C., the most valuable lesson they taught me was the value of intentional listening with the goal of understanding. Through difficult dialogues, I was able to practice listening to individuals on the opposite end of the political spectrum from myself and genuinely aim to have constructive conversations about their unique life experiences and the rationales behind their varied political beliefs. Through the Archer Fellowship Program, I learned that only through understanding and vulnerability can we shrink the growing divide in our country and refocus on our shared humanity.
What do you value the most about being an alumna?
As an alum, I value the program's connections most. Since my time as an Archer Fellow, I have maintained close relationships with members of my cohort and have continued to meet and connect with new Archer Fellow alums. The alums I have had the privilege of interacting with have been exceptional and kind people who are remarkable networking connections, peers, and friends!
What is your favorite memory as an Archer Fellow?
I have so many treasured memories from my time as an Archer Fellow that it is difficult to pick just one. However, one memory I truly value was the opportunity to mourn Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg at the foot of the Supreme Court's steps on the night of her passing. Watching thousands of people converge on the capitol and pay their collective respects to a personal hero was a profoundly sobering and beautiful moment. Regardless of your political background, there were so many moments during the Fellowship that allowed me to feel genuinely connected to the political consciousness of our nation that I would never have had the opportunity to experience had I not become an Archer Fellow.